Friday, May 20, 2011

Will the undead play a role in the New World Order?

The CDC has just come out with a web comic and a new set of guidelines to survive a "Zombie Apocalypse". (Read Vigilant Citizen's analysis here.) 
The US Army Zombie Combat Command has training manuals and everything for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Then there's the Miami face-eater and the flesh-eating virus making the news. What is going on here?
Shaun of the Dead-beheading with axes
        Most conspiracy theorists believe that the phenomenon of apocalyptic zombie/vampire movies just serves as another example of the fear-mongering perpetrated by the Illuminati within Hollywood. But is there more to it? Both zombies and vampires have been portrayed as mindless victims of a disease or plague (see "Last Man on Earth" and "I Am Legend"), which could end up being very real.

            If these movies are indeed "predictive" of Illuminati plans, then the zombie and vampire genre could shed with a perplexing question about the Book of Revelation. Revelation 20:4  specifically mentions that the people executed by the New World Order for not receiving the Mark of the Beast would be “slain with axes [beheaded] for witnessing to Jesus”. Why only one specific method of execution?
The predictive programming of zombie and vampire films provides a possible explanation: the only way to kill a zombie or a vampire for sure is to cut off the head, i.e. "behead"  or “slay with an axe” or similar implement. In Hollywood lore, both zombies, aliens and vampires have been equated with infection. The only “cure” is decapitation. Could those who resist the Mark be labeled as either infected with a disease, or accused of being evil, undead creatures? This isn’t as far out as it seems. The movie “Legion” specifically portrays Christians, along anyone who does the will of God as hideous zombies that are “possessed by the angels of God”.  Only way to kill ‘em? Decapitation.
A Christian zombie in Legion
        Picture this: the government announces there is some disease that makes people into something equivalent to zombies or vampires, quickly creating mayhem. The vaccine or cure is an injection in the forehead or right hand, i.e. the Mark of the Beast. All who don’t get the vaccine are potentially infected and must be decapitated. In most zombie movies, the zombies are easy to pick out from their appearance and behavior, but in other stories, there are “crypto-zombies” who are infected, but seem like ordinary people. Recently I came across an article in one of those grocery store tabloids, talking about how to tell if your neighbor is actually a zombie. All this could lead to a real-life witch hunt for “the infected” who seem outwardly normal, but refuse the vaccine or Mark.
            Here’s where it gets weirder….many movies reference the idea of an “army of the dead”. Both vampires and zombies are considered "undead". This “army of the dead” concept occurs in the Mummy series. In the Harry Potter series it is called “the Inferi Curse”. I also noticed it “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” with Nicolas Cage (produced by Saturn Films!). The villain, Morgana LaFey, plans to cast a spell called “the Rising” which brings to life an army of corpses. To do this she must first go to a special tower in New York and create a giant pentagram of magical fire. She is defeated by the technology of Nicola Tesla. I almost fell out of my chair when I watched “Ghostbusters” a few weeks later and noticed the similarities between it and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". At the end of "Ghostbusters", it's revealed that the “heightened paranormal activity”, unleashes hundreds of ghosts on the city, like an army of the dead, before the coming of the Sumerian gods. In order for the gods to appear, the top of this special NYC tower, built “by a mad doctor” must be used as a temple to invoke them. The nerdy Ghostbuster explains that this tower was built specifically as "a superconductor for spiritual energy".

Tesla technology in The Sorcerer's Apprentice
            But there actually IS a strange tower in New York City. It’s called the Wardenclyffe Tower, and it was built by none other than..... "mad scientist" Nicola Tesla! It was designed for channeling electrical energy, but some people believe that it was used to initiate the Tunguska Event. Recent daylight UFO sightings over New York City have been connected to the Wardenclyffe Tower by a CIA puppet site.

Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower in NYC
        So what does all this mean? It's possible that zombie/vampire films are predictive programming and point to a future plot of the Illuminati and the Antichrist. My best guess is that a false Antichrist (or Anti-Antichrist) or alien force will hypnotize people using the Wardenclyffe Tower and cell phone towers. These mind-controlled people would then become like zombies. This is exactly what happened in the deplorable flick "Skyline", released on 11/11/10. In it, aliens hypnotize people using a blue light. Those who succumb are "infected" with alien strength, and show symptoms of disease. The same thing happens in "Cowboys and Aliens".

      On a side note, Discover magazine ran an article this June on "the internet of things", a futuristic network of RFID chips that would track and catalog all your personal possessions and their whereabouts. The author presented this as a 100% positive development. In the article, he complains about the quality of people online, how most are really "zombie spambots trying to sell hormone pills as diet aides, and zombie humans claiming the President is an alien". How does believing that aliens have infiltrated the White House make you a zombie? Why was this odd remark placed in this particular article?

Possible false rapture on May 21?

The mainstream media seems to have taken an interest in Harold Camping's bizarre May 21, 2011 Rapture campaign, so by now everyone has probably heard about it. I thought that since this whole fiasco will be settled one way or another by tomorrow evening (after a earthquake that circles the entire globe!), it would be an auspicious time to predict the outcome of this craziness, document it online in my first blog post, dated May 20, 2011, and see if history proves me right by May 21. Most people would bet that the same thing will happen as when Camping predicted the Rapture in 1994; namely, nothing at all except disappointment and jeers. But I have heard speculations about a possible false Rapture, especially in connection with Project Blue Beam, and I'm guessing that is what may indeed take place. (Project Blue Beam uses part of the upper atmosphere as a projection screen for a holographic light show, a "revelation" of the false Second Coming, beamed out of Alaska by HAARP.) A false Rapture would involve the mass alien/military abduction of large numbers of people, not necessarily Christians. This would cause confusion and division for those "left behind", making it easier for the Antichrist to sway people to his side. With all the attention the media has been giving Camping's followers, could this be a possibility? They have already left everything behind and congregated together in specific locations, making a mass abduction easier. Will the government or the grays suck them up in a tractor-beam tomorrow night? Will the rest of us wish we had listened to these seeming "wackos"? Will Harold Camping get the last laugh? Or will it be a second "Great Disappointment" a la the Millerites/Seventh Day Adventists? One thing that I'm almost sure won't happen is the genuine Rapture. Camping's unsubstantiated timeline of Biblical history, and his mish-mash of scattered Bible verses practically guarantees that he is going to be off in his estimate.
I guess I could take a few lines to scoff at the May 21 believers. Really I just feel sorry for them, a little godly compassion is warranted for these souls. I'm jealous of them. They must have an incredible buzz right now. They've had a buzz for months, they've given up the insane consumer lifestyle to go do something meaningful to them. Like people who join cults, they crave meaning, purpose and community. Can you blame them? Are they crazier than those who continue to live lives of quiet desperation?
Maybe there is no connection between Harold Camping and the false Rapture, maybe it's just another case of bad scholarship and gullible people. Once I found out that the Illuminati control basically, like, everything in the US and the world, I have learned to see the sinister agendas behind event the most seemingly harmless things. But not everything is connected. However, it's nice for once to have a conspiracy theory that can be easily verified one way or another, truth or fiction by 7pm Saturday night. Hopefully tomorrow will prove me wrong and everyone will go home the wiser, tails between their legs, feeling like a bunch of schmucks.

UPDATE Nothing happened. Ok, I was wrong about the false Rapture. But I have already heard people say "Oh, 2012 and all that comet stuff is no big deal. Look at that guy who predicted the end of the world in May." I think this is exactly what the powers that  be intended to happen. They might have put together the whole May 21 Rapture thing, which was well-funded and got unusual media attention. People can point to this and Y2K and feel safe, like somehow everything in America will just keep going on the way it is, despite the "doomsayers". They will be in for a rude awakening.